How many sheets are on a toilet roll?

How many sheets are on a toilet roll?

What seems like a lifetime ago, before toilet paper became such a big part of our lives, purchasing toilet paper often required very little thought. With such a varied choice at the supermarket (albeit majorly virgin wood based), it would ultimately come down to, price, softness, and quantity. How many sheets per roll was never a consideration in this process. Reading ‘extra-long’ or ‘double length’ on the packaging is generally enough for us to feel we are receiving a good deal… and in the basket they go. Spending extra time in the supermarket reading the fine print of each packet is nobodies' idea of fun!  

We are now able to make more informed decisions from the comfort of our home, with detailed product information readily available online. We absolutely encourage taking the time to compare products where possible. To save a little time, we have compiled a short list for you as an example, which we hope you will find useful 😊 

  • bumboo 3-ply: 300 sheets per roll  
  • Serious Tissues 3-ply: 240 sheets per roll 
  • Cheeky Panda 3-ply: 200 sheets per roll 
  • Andrex Classic Clean 2-ply (9 pack option): 190 sheets per roll 
  • Cushelle Original 2-ply (9 pack option): 180 sheets per roll  

We also understand that sheet size can vary; some sheets are smaller than others, which in some cases, may make you feel like you’re not getting such a good deal! So, comparing in a price per metre basis is the best way forward in this scenario. 

  • bumboo: 30 metres per roll 
  • Serious Tissues: 27.6 metres per roll 
  • Cheeky Panda: 24 metres per roll 
  • Andrex Classic Clean (9 pack option): 24.8 metres per roll 
  • Cushelle Original (9 pack option): 21.2 metres per roll 

Each of our luxury 3-ply bamboo toilet roll options are the same length with the same number of sheets – so you always know what to expect. This cannot be said for many supermarket brands which vary in length, softness, thickness, ply, price... it can be slightly over-whelming when deciding which product is right for you! What’s more, our dedicated customer care team is always happy to help and super-responsive, should you require any further information about our products.  

Our products are 100% plastic-free, tree-free, vegan, organic, no scents or dyes, hypoallergenic, and we plant trees! 😊  


Photo credit: Claire Mueller @ unsplash

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