100% happiness guarantee

We’re passionate about using business as a force for good, and that includes ensuring that you are 100% happy with your purchase. We feel confident that you will love Bumboo, but if for any reason this is not the case, please follow the simple steps below and we will arrange a full refund:

  1. Contact us at wecare@bumboo.eco to let us know that you’re unhappy with your purchase, and we will provide you with return details. Please let us know as much detail as possible so we can understand the issue and use this to make improvements for the future.
  2. Send us back the remaining product- we completely understand that you might have tried a few rolls or items before deciding the product wasn’t right for you. If it’s toilet paper, it’s okay if you’ve used up to four rolls per box. And for those with mixed boxes, boxes of kitchen roll or facial tissues, using up to two products is perfectly fine. When you send items back, just remember to get a proof of posting or a tracking number. This helps us ensure everything is sorted smoothly for you!
  3. Please note that the cost of return is the responsibility of the customer
  4. Once we receive the returned carton, and the contents are approved, we will arrange a full refund of the monies paid to us, without any fuss or delay. (we aim to do this within 3 days of receiving the item)

Please note:

  • happiness guarantee valid for 30 days following receipt of goods
  • refunds will be made to the same payment method used in the purchase of the original order

For full details of our returns policy, please see our Terms and Conditions